Sunday, 13 November 2011

2' Minnie Initial bits and pieces

The design I am following is L.C.Masons Scale Model Building Minnie Traction Engine, these book and drawings are for a 1 Inch to the Foot scale Minnie, I am currently doubling up all the measurements to build a 2 Inch to the Foot scale version of the Minnie this of course is twice the size and I feel a little more rewarding than a tabletop size model, also with the ability to pull a couple of people make the engine a lot of fun to run once completed.

I have currently started or finished a few odd's and sod's that I had material enough to make, although I don't have very decent coverage of these pieces production this fact will change now I have started the Blog to which the progress will be posted.

So here is my progress to date as follows:

Reverser & Steering Wheel Handle complete
Safety Valve Lever complete
Motion & Spectacle Plate in progress
Slide Bars, Regulator Lever & Reversing Lever marked out ready to be cut.

The Steering Wheel Handle has a 2BA thread cut onto the bottom spigot  to be threaded into the Steering Wheel casting once machined, this casting of course I still need to order but that can wait till a later date when I run out of material with which to progress.

The Motion Plate I wait until I have the Cylinder assembly and the slide bars attached to it before I can complete it, the reason for this being the motion plate must be a tight fit to the slide bars top and bottom.

The Reverser handle is to be silver soldered to the top of the reversing lever once complete.

The Spectacle plate will be finished when i can get access to a milling machine.

That is my current progress to date, Thank You for reading.

Regards Doug :)

Welcome!! A brief summation as to why and where it all started

Welcome to my new Blog! :)

This Blog will be focused on another hobby of mine Model Engineering, the background of this being I've always had a fascination of planes, trains, rockets, architecture, cars and anything else that somewhere down the line has involved engineering problems, design and manufacture. I have my grandfather to thank for this entirely and my dad for noticing that at a young age I had a way with my hands that spelt out ENGINEER.

About 2 years ago I joined the Vale of Aylesbury Model Engineering Society and spend most Sunday's and any Wednesdays I can spare helping out at their club site at Buckinghamshire Railway Centre. Now I had been visiting this site once or twice a year since I was very small and had a major influence on my interest and needless to say lead to my joining of the society. This made me look into model engineering with a much more serious attitude and I felt compel d to join in with the ranks and build my own machine.

The Finished Article SHOULD look like this.
Anyway getting back on topic this Blog will open with my currently started project a 2 Inch to the Foot Scale Minnie Traction Engine.

Regards Doug